hi. yay FOA yesterday. couldnt post yesterday. ggot home at 11 plus. so.. yeah. FOA was really great. good experiance. im in main band now! woots. no more recruit band. errr. so. first, went to band room. stayed there. went to the place outside auditorium 1. errr. went inside. practiced. went back to band room. practiced more. cleaned up band room. i polished my eupho. XD changed into my attire. errr. after that... mooched in the band room, playing iphone games. then. dinner. then. went to lt4. played more iphone games. then. went to audi 1. played. argh. well it was okay. rivers was good. alamo was okay. err. yeah. then, when we were done. stayed in audi 1. watched main band. err yeah. clarinets screwed up in time to say goodbye. which is the ferrero rocher commercial song. yeah. errr. went back to band room. haelped them clean up. announced new excom. drum major is a tubist. tuba sl. band major is..... oh i forgot. which is pretty cool. it was ian's (our ex- band major) last day in band. he was crying, which is understandable, i guess. we fell in (is that how you say it? what's the past tense of fall in?) and ian gave a speech. and yeah. emo stuff. then we left. at least elroy and merrill is like, in IB so they'll stay. got some stuff from my seniors. yeah. nothing else. i love FOA! kk bye, xx
This Maniac killed on 5:25 AM # |
hi. posting here. so. my FOA is tmrw. noooo. right. got my attire. black button shirt. black long pants. silver tie. black shoes. uh. mafia, huh. yeah. errrr. so, today was national day. our celebrations was so cool. shit i want a sword of honour! but then i need to be band major. uhhh. yeah. went to rmps today. errr. saw ryan played soccer. walked sround. went INSIDE rmps. yay. mrs steup was on mc, though. saw ms adeline leong, and alot of other people. err. went out. went up to mt. knnb. got two scars. went down bought fries. left. went to buy my attire. so. yeah. going for the philharmonic orchestra Foa later like, 7. so. yeah. adios. xx
This Maniac killed on 2:13 AM # |
![]() youll now notice that its my fbdp. woots eupho ftw. oh just realised that that eupho has four vertical valves. lol mine has 3 vertical valves and one diagonal valve. errrrr. yes. i've been doing my music project. bloody hell. carnatic indian music. bloody hell. eupho ftw. again. err. right nothing else really. xx
This Maniac killed on 1:59 AM # |
woots eddie izzard rocks. okay that was random. but he rocks. cross dresser, btw. errrr. so, yes. okay right.; ive been doing very freaky headers in soccer this week in soccer. but i rock, lol. naw my predictions all suck. i keep jumping, so it hits like my forehead AND the top part of my eye. yea. thats another video. he's seriously funny. right, bye. xx
This Maniac killed on 6:50 AM # |
lol interesting day today. watched eclipse. it was entertaining, not the movie though. fangirls FTJ! try figuring that out. when jacob appeared, bam. cue: screaming fangirls. jacob appears half naked for the first time cue: screaming fangirls. jacob kisses bella cue: screaming fangirls. EDWARD kisses bella cue: hissing fangirls. poor eddy, noone likes him. so. oh yes, i JUST realised that doc. vamp(aka carlisle) has a slight british accent. woots yup. eclipse. it was really long, i was like, shit whens it gonna end. so. nothing else. just posting cos of eclipse, really.
This Maniac killed on 3:46 AM # |
heys posting. im gonna post seldomly from now on. i haates germany! they screwed up two of the teams i support for the sawc. uhhh right. nothing to post, really. lo,l. this blog is gonna be dead soon. right. why do girls tend to support germany? ive asked alot of girls, and they were all like, OH I SUPPORT GERMANY. ....... huh. i actually wanted to watch eclipse with my classmate, just to make fun of it, this weekend. but as it turned out, we both have ccas. so.... okay im not gonna post. xx
This Maniac killed on 4:49 AM # |
so, i've officially just moved out again. i dont like my new house! yeah. errrr. yesterday, had band. combined rocked cos i didnt need to play, instead i was with my tutor trying to learning the alvamar overture. yup. i love the page one at vivocity. the atmostphere there is great. the air con, the stupid spanish music, it all rocks.\ right. i cannot believe argentina lost to germany 0-4! O.o i thought they were like, surely gonna win. fuck. life sucks uhhh. right nth else. bye. xx
This Maniac killed on 9:28 PM # |
i hate files! okay, right. errr. its been a hectic week. lots of homework. lots of teachers asking for files. yup. oh btw i've a cold. :( err. right. youth day today, huh. bloody hell. why is there still lessons, then? so, eclipse is out. by the speed they're churning out movies, tells you bout the quality. yup, shit. errr. i'm moving tmrw. AGAIN. damn it. btw my post before was not long! its not that bad, what. anyways where can i watch the world cup online? nowhere, it seems. errr, right here thou endst. bye. xx
This Maniac killed on 3:43 AM # |
This Maniac killed on 4:26 AM # |
yay im finally back from THE china. anywyas, im beening typing out a post when i was in china, sohere goes nothing: Yay, i'm typing this on the train from Qingdao, to Shanghai. As you might have already known, the Chinese government censors Blogger and Facebook for various unknown reasons(My sister says,"it's to prevent political dissidents from spreading their ideas") Anyways, I can't use them, so i'm typing this onto notepad, and saving it then copying it laterr. China is actually super polluted. Beijing was like, really hazy and stuff. But anyways, i'm sectionising(i copyright this word!) this post according to the diferent places I went to. Beijing: The traffic in Beijing is crazy, it's like, a constant traffic jam. Urks, we (my family) went to two garden things the first two days, which were so boring, cos all you saw were trees, soil, water. And shitloads of ancient Chinese architecture. Went to the Great Wall the next day. Damn the Great Wall was great. Apart from the really high(and steep) steps, it rocked. The view from the highest point was marvelous.(well not really)(("The Great Wall is a marvelous feat of Chinese brilliance."-My sister(the suckup))) Then we went to Ming Tombs, which sucked, cos we didn't see the tombs, just wax figures. The next day, we went to Tiananmen Square, and ze Forbidden City (which isn't so forbidden now, cuz there're loads of tourists). TAM Square is like a Square of Chinese propoganda. The Forbidden City was also per ritty boring, but I guess it was cool cos you saw super antiquecy jade and pottery. We went to see the Hutongs next. Boringo. But I did get to drink Pina Colada. Yay! Oh, here's a pretty bad joke, yes? "Why did the Mexican throw his wife off the cliff?" "Tequila!" Say it with a Mexican accent, and it's To Kill Her. Yup, thereof ends Beijing. Dalian: Visiting my maternal family here, and yay it was fun. My grandmother and uncle are both awesome cooks, and they made really good food, like abalone, and fish and stuff. It rocked. My aunt also totally spoilt me and my sister by buying GREAT stuff like Maomaochong bread(you guessed it, it's like a caterpiller) and cream puffs and stuff. We didn't do much, only a bumper car. But generally we just sat at home and ate stuff. Good stuff. Qingdao: Qingdao was boringggggg. We visited my paternal family who live in the countryside with chickens and stuff and stayed there for a night. I have a nephew! A super cute one too. And greedy. Believe me, he ate like, an egg, a tomato, crackers and two cartons of milk in an hour. My sister says,"he has super huge eyes and super long eyelashes and he is the cutest baby I have ever seen. BS!" BS is Baby Syndrome, not Bullshit, btw! And he drools like mad. He drooled on my jeans before and my sister's. Urks. He spat baby formula on my sister too. "That little brat, but he's cute!!"-Me sis. (in my experience, anyone who's cute is alright in my sister's book no matter what they do.) Then, we went to Laoshan. And the spring water there is super cold and very nice. Yes I drank it, even though it was probably polluted like crazy. Yup, that's all for now. Ze Train: China is messing with my mentality and health! Since the sun rises very early, I always wake up at like, 7, and not get enough sleep. Argh, i dies. (i feel like puking now! motion sickness!!) ALot of people actually didn't buy the First Class tickets for the train but just go there, cos it's not full. TypicallyChinese. Yes, btw, I'm in First Class. I cannot believe I missed the class gathering! I thought there wasn't one this holiday. Damn, I fails. Hope it was good, anyways. This super weird guy sitting in front of me is like, always turning back and staring at me. Odd, that. 16-06-10 Shanghai: I went to the Shanghai Expo! Yay it rocked. Well, I liked it anyways, even though most of it was devoted to standing in a queue. My sister and I each bought this weird passporty thing, where you can get stamps from different Pavillions. So basically whatever Pavillions you went to, you could get a stamp to prove you went there. I went to the U.K Pavillion, Chinese Provinces Pavillion, China Pavillion, Australia Pavillion, Pacific Islands Pavillion, U.N Pavillion, World Trade Centre Pavillion, Holland Pavillion, African Pavillion, and Belgian Pavillion. Got shitloads of stamps. (okay i admit it, i went to the places just for the stamps. XDXD) Yup, but I didn't get to go to the South American Pavillions, dang. Yup. Oh, trivia about our hotel. It has a computer! Yay, it rocks. Also went to a place called, "The Bund". Don't ask me what a Bund is, it's just what it is. The night view there is great. That's all for Shanghai. I admit, not a really great place. 20-06-10 Chengdu: Okay, i guess. Bearable. First day, went to some ancient water separation thing. I guess I was supposed to appreciate the genius of the ancient Chinese, but I didn't. The next two days, we went with a tour group to two "Buddhist" mountains. Leshan and Emeishan. Quite boring, though. It was super cold up at the top of Emeishan, like about 6 degrees Celsius. After that, we went to the breeding grounds of giant pandas. Oh, btw, black and white pandas are a cliche! They're black and yellow, just to clear things up. XDXD But anyways, the pandas were pretty cute. They were just eating and sleeping, it's a good life, I guess. Yay I'm be back in Singapore tomorrow at 2am! Yay. I, like it. XDXD Right, adios, the post has ended. Okay from here on you can stop cos it's just gonna be nonsense. OKay this is my post translated to chinese and back. Yay, I am typing on the train from Qingdao to Shanghai. As you may know, my Government to review the Blogger and Facebook, and other unknown reasons (my sister said, "This is to prevent the spread of the idea of" dissidents) Anyway, I can not use them, so I typed this into Notepad, save it, then copy it laterr. China is in fact super-pollution. Beijing is the case, really hazy and materials. But anyway, I sectionising (I copyright that word!) According to different parts of this post I went. Beijing: In Beijing's traffic is crazy, it's like a constant traffic jam. Urks, we (my family) to the two parks do the first two days, it is so boring because all you see is trees, soil, water. And ancient Chinese architecture shitloads. To the Great Wall the next day. Damn Great Wall is great. In addition to the real high (steep) steps, it is shocking. From the highest point of view is great. (Well not really) (("The Great Wall is an amazing feat of China's brilliant." - My sister (that suckup))) then we went to the Ming Tombs, including smoking, reasons we do not see the grave, but wax. The next day we went to Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City and Ze (which is not prohibited now, Cuz there is a tourist load). Tan Square, Square, like the Chinese propaganda. Forbidden City each ritty also boring, but I think it is you see a super cool cosine antiquecy jade and pottery. We went to see the next alley. Boringo. But I do get to drink rum. Yeah! Oh, there is a very bad joke, right? "Why Mexico away from the cliff, his wife?" "Tequila!" Said the Mexican accent, and now, it's going to kill her. Yes, which ended in Beijing. Dalian: Visit my maternal family here, yay it was fun. My grandmother and uncle are really great cooks, they made a good food such as abalone, fish and materials. It is shocking. My aunt has completely spoiled me for bread, like Maomaochong (you guessed it the great things of my sister, it is like a grasshopper) and the cream cakes and materials. We did not do anything, just bumper cars. But usually we just sit at home and eat. Good stuff. Qingdao: Qingdao is boringggggg. We visited my father's family who lived in the countryside, chickens and materials, and stayed a night there. I have a nephew! A super cute idea. And greed. Believe me, he likes to eat an egg in an hour, a tomato, biscuits, and two boxes of milk. My sister said, "He oversized eyes and long eyelashes, he is the most adorable baby, I've seen. Bachelor!" Degree is baby syndrome, is not nonsense, by the way! He was drooling like crazy. He drooled before me and my sister's jeans. Urks. He spat in my sister a baby formula. "This kid, he's cute!", My sister. (In my experience, it does not matter who, my lovely sister's book, no matter what they do.) Then we went to Laoshan. The springs are super cool, very beautiful. Yes, I drink it, even though it may be polluted like crazy. Yes, this is now all. Ze Train: China is a mess of my mind and health! As the sun rises very early, I always want to get up, 7, did not get enough sleep. Oh, I'm dead. (I feel like vomiting up! Motion sickness!) Were ALot actually did not buy the first class train ticket, but only go there of it incomplete. TypicallyChinese. Yes, by the way, I was first class. I can not believe I missed the class party! I think there are not one of the festival. Damn, I failed. Hope this is good, anyway. In this super-weird guy sitting in front of me, like, always look back and I as. Odd, that. 16-06-10 Shanghai: I went to the Shanghai World Expo! Yay it is shocking. Ah, anyway, I like it, even though most of its time for the position in the queue. My sister and I each bought this strange passporty things, where you can stamp from different Pavillions. So basically any Pavillions you go, you can get a stamp to prove you went to. I went to the British Museum, Museum of Chinese province, China Pavilion, the Australian Museum, the Pacific Islands Pavilion, Pavilion United Nations, the World Trade Center Museum, Museum of the Netherlands, Africa Museum, Belgium Pavilion. Stamps are shitloads. (Okay I admit it, I went just to stamp. XDXD) Ye, but I did not go to South America Pavillions, Church. Yes ah. Oh, the trivia of our hotel. It has a computer! Yay, it's rock. Also went to a place called "The Bund." Do not ask me what is the Bund, it is just what it is. Night great. All this in Shanghai. I admit, not a truly great place. 20-06-10 Chengdu: Well, I guess. Endure. The first day, to a number of ancient water separating things. I think I should appreciate the genius of ancient China, but I did not. The next two days, we went to a tour group to the two "Buddha" Hill. Leshan, Emei Shan. Very boring, though. Oh, and from here is a weird gamey thing Iplayed with my sis. You basically write a part of lyrics from a song and make it into a hybrid song I remember what you wore on the first day. For some reason I can't explain, She wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts. Whatcha got girl, is hard to find. Whaddya want from me. I want you to know, that it doesn't matter, where we take this road someone's gotta go Between the lines of fear and blame. I'm all outta faith, this is how I feel. Let's waste time, chasing cars around our heads. But I'm here for your entertainment. When you try your best but you don't succeed. I've got another secret for ya., I gotta feeling (ooh ooh) that tonight's gonna be a good night. But i've never really had one. Cos when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you, and this moment now, capture it remember it. Pictures of you, pictures of me, hanging on the wall for the world to see. Ya got a big ego (huh huh huh) Stupid girl, I should've known, I should've known. Imma bee, imma bee. Trying to find the words to describe this girl without being disrespectful. she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers. Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere. A strawberry avalanche washed over me. Cos a girl like you's impossible to find, impossible to find. This summer's day. yup. right im done, cos this is long enough bye. xx
This Maniac killed on 10:11 PM # |
hey. boring day today. going to china tmrw. so don't message me. yup. i guess you can email me, if you have too. anyways, FoA tickets for sale! basically a concert, where i'll be performing. you want to buy, tell me. but the tickets are at a overpriced amount of 10 dollars. wait, have i told you this before? dunno, but if yo uwant to buy, just tell moi! via email. bye. inactive blog for a month@! XDXD P.S. i cannot believe dear john and valentines' day will only be on krisflyer NEXT month. imean, itsa only a few days. and im not going back with singairlines. so i cant watch it. ;(
This Maniac killed on 3:51 AM # |
hi. didnt post for long. gonna go to china this sat morning. yay; anyways. this is hilarious. XDXD and the next vid. the kid's mad, man. errrr. went to my friends house to have a barbecue yesterday. bloody hell, took me 2 hours to get there. he lives at upper east coast. as far as im concerned, thats about a few thousand km. it was..; okay, i guess, its amazing how the mrt is crowded no matter what time it is. yeah. im not gonna post anymore, cos im fricking busy
This Maniac killed on 4:32 AM # |
hi! went to vivocity today. finished dear john. its really good. yeah. i want to watch it when the dvd comes out!!! XDXD reading dear john reminds me of last year. and her. *sighs* right. i should stop being so emo. i never knew sherbet lemons were sour. huh. can someone please help me change my skin? XDXD right, bye.
This Maniac killed on 4:31 AM # |
dont feel like posting these days. still dont. but here i am. band rocks! and my results sucked. errrr. yeah. bye.
This Maniac killed on 5:59 AM # |
survivor finale today! sandra won. fuck it. Episode 14: "Anything Could Happen" * Immunity Challenge: The castaways would balance ceramic dishes on the end of a balancing arm. As the challenge progresses, Jeff call out different dishwarees that the castaway would stack on the far end of the balance. Should any part of a castaways's stack fall, that castaway would be out of the challenge. The last castaway in the challenge would win. Challenge from Survivor: China. Back at camp after Tribal Council, Russell was upset at Sandra's use of the Hidden Immunity Idol and accused Parvati and Sandra of lying to him about Sandra having a Hidden Immunity Idol. Parvati won the Immunity Challenge by outlasting Colby. After returning from the challenge, Colby gave his "surrender speech" to the Villains and told them they should just enjoy the day and he would not scramble to stay in the game. However, Colby made one final attempt to stay in the game by approaching Russell about voting out Sandra in an effort to defeat Parvati at the next Immunity Challenge. At Tribal Council, the Villains voted out the last of the Heroes, sending Colby to the jury by a vote of 4–1. * Immunity Challenge: The castaways would have to navigate through a maze blindfolded. The first castaway to retrieve four necklaces at stations within the maze would win. Challenge from "Survivor: The Amazon". The final four received treemail announcing that they would take the traditional journey honoring the castaways voted out before heading to their final Immunity Challenge. Russell won the final Immunity Challenge by edging out Parvati and Jerri by mere inches. After the challenge, Russell told Sandra that he was going to take her to the final three as he thought he could beat her at the final vote as she would get maybe only one vote. Parvati disagreed and told Russell that getting rid of Sandra would be best as she would get votes from the jury. At Tribal Council, Jerri became the final member of the jury by a vote of 3–1. Parvati, Russell, and Sandra celebrated with the traditional Day 39 breakfast. Sandra tossed Russell's hat into the camp fire in payback for all of the things he had done to her in the game. The three burned down the camp and set off for the final Tribal Council. At the final Tribal Council, the jury questioned and lectured the final three on their strategic plays, their perceptions among the jury, what they would have done differently during the game, their loyalties, and how they played the game. The jury voted 6–3–0 for Sandra over Parvati to give Sandra her second Sole Survivor title. incomplete synopsis. i love the rites of passage. it's emoo. errrr. school was stupid. english... our teacher shows his this movie: patch adams. yup. nothing else, much. shaun is deluding himself.
This Maniac killed on 4:09 AM # |
ahhh i'm addicted to set the fire to the third bar. right/ today was pointless, really. boring. short post. i love photoscape! it rocks. right bye.
This Maniac killed on 4:09 AM # |
hi! band today. yay. :) kesha, like bs, has a really distinctive voice. bs is britney spears btw. bs is also bullshit! nice. right. our conductor was super pissed cos we all sucked. she was like," do you people know what c,r,a,p means? cos your playing is SHIT right now. XD yup. we were given tickets to sell for our FOA. ughs. ten bucks for a effing piece of paper. buy my tickets! have to sell them all. i just realise that they lipsynch in music videos! holey moley. anyways. played soccer later. screwed up my foot more. who cares. lalalala. Remember us: as simple an order as a king can give. Remeber why we died. For he did not wish tribute, nor song, nor monuments, nor poems of war and valor. His wish was simple: "Remember us," he said to me. That was his hope, should any free soul come across that place in all the countless centuries yet to be, may all our voices whisper to you from the ageless stones; "Go tell the Spartans, passerby, that here by Spartan law we lie." And so my king died, and my brothers died. barly a year ago. Long I pondered my kings cryptic talk of victory. Time has proven him wise. For from free Greek to free Greek the word was spread that bold Leonidas and his 300, so far from home, laid down their lives; not just for Sparta, but for all Greece and the promise this country holds. Now, here on this ragged patch of earth called Plataea, Xerxe's hordes face obliteration! Just there the barbarians huddle, sheer terror gripping tight their hearts with icy fingers -- knowing full well what merciless horrors they suffered at the swords and spears of 300! Yet they stare now across the plain at 10,000 Spartans commanding 30,000 free Greeks: The enemy outnumber us a poiltry three to one: good odds for any Greek. This day we rescue a world from mysticism and tyranny, and usher in a future brighter than anything we can imagine. Give thanks men! To Leonidas and his brave 300! TO VICTORY!!" great speech. in 300. right..... nothing else. i realise i post alot of crap. nevermind. adios.
This Maniac killed on 4:54 AM # |
hi!!!! yay. ahh iwant to watch dear john or fighting! right... today was awesome, yay. went to vivocity... saw kiran. waited for shaun and ash. watched ironman 2. blahhh, not that good. scarlett johansson was hot, though. let's see.. then we saw lysha, with her classmates? dunno. then we went to kiran's place to play soccer. then i left. quite boring, if you think about it actuallly. right... i can either play soccer again tmrw or go watch ANOTHER movie tmrw, this time with my classmates. thinking bout soccer, cos movies kill my money. XD Set the Fire to the Third Bar rocks! it's a song, btw. it's like, super emo. XD right bye, XD
This Maniac killed on 4:57 AM # |
YAY MY MID YEARS ARE OVERR! yayyy. i think i screwed up my hmt. as always. and my elit was.... okay i guess/ right... tmrw... watching movie with ashruff kiran etcetc. ironman 2, if you're wondering. geography sucked, btw. but history was okay. yay. "And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there" nuff said. thats from drops of jupiter by train btw. great song. anyone has it? damn if conservatives and democrats formed a coalition it would be con-dem. now thats funny. XD ahhhh. exams are over!!! woots. right okay adios. (who can help me with my skin?)
This Maniac killed on 12:19 AM # |
bloody hell. my facebook is hanging real badly. anyways. mugged today. at least, sort of. first half of the day-maths and p.science. the second half was just bullcrap, like history. i like reality tv! yays. BETTY CROCKER ISN'T REAL! holy crap, didn't know. i introduced nerimon to shaun today! yay. another enlightened person has joined this world. right. i dislike exams. okay i'll stop. still have to study, y'know. XD bye.
This Maniac killed on 4:58 AM # |
i like train! the band. go listen to "If It's Love - Train" its good. y'know, i'm starting to agree with shaun alot more. huh. weirrd. i hate exams. argh. i'm dreading tmrw. gonna mug. i sprained my foot today. lols wtf. playing soccer. sheet. i hate exammmms.
This Maniac killed on 4:46 AM # |
fuck. i hate exams. and mugging. not that i do much of the latter. damn it. this week sucks. mid years next week. fuck. my bioreactor has COPIOUS amounts of ethanol. extracted some today. it smells awesome. banana flavoured rice wine. i realise i know quite alot of people from hpps. huh. bye. i've got to rush back and do my maths and la(a)
This Maniac killed on 3:47 AM # |
awesome day today!!! yay. well apart from my fucking phone. my phone is dying. thats why i'm backing up my memory card rigjht now. but on a brighter note i got jeans and new shoes today! YAYYYYY! its liverpool vs chelsea right now. GO BLUES! if they win this, the league is THEIRS. MUAHAHAHA. i got black jeans, that look a tad too formal. but tough luck. yay. damn 0-0 so far. and i got adidas shoes. yay. grey n red. lols. i'm gonna mug tmrw! noooo. yeah. nothing much. bye,
This Maniac killed on 5:16 AM # |
ah shit. today was the worst shopping experience ever in my life. stuck in the marina area for 7 fucking hours. ARGHS. wtfs. and everywhere was so effing crowded, cos of white sands. wtfs. i read dear john. it was good. but i only read half. yup. dear john is quite emo. hahaha. damn it. i'm gonna borrow the book from my friend. wheeee. i like randomness. its quite late right now. just got home. i.... want.... new... shoes! argh. yayayayayay. long weekend. i'm happy. :) how come people don't tag anymore. :( hahaha contrast. i sound quite despo. right. bye,. boringnesssss. i like the chorus of Set the Fire to the Third Bar-Snow Patrol ft. Martha Wainwright.
This Maniac killed on 7:46 AM # |
Pokemon, What Happened To You-Alex Day(Nerimon) I remember when there were only 150 of you Well, technically 151 if you are counting Mew, but I digress I guess I spent the best years of my little life Surfing Cinnabar Island to get 126 Revives And I miss the Pokémon Center I miss its music too And the way that Snorlax looked like Lapras on water Pokémon, what happened to you? In the old days, you only got one form of every kind I could name all the Gym Leaders, didnt even have to try But now youve shown me Team Galactic and Dark and Steel and eggs Oh I want my Red and Blue back when Ditto wasnt used for sex I miss the cycling road, dont you know I miss the music too And I cant believe you used to be in black and white Pokémon, what happened to you Now Legendary means nothing to me Because one-of-a-kind creatures add up to over thirty And I only want three choices for my Eevee I dont want a rival if his name is not Gary And how the hell do you pronounce Sweecoon, Sooisine, Sweesign, Sooisoon, I dont know I miss holding down the B button when I thought it made it easier I miss surfing to the truck and using Strength to try and move it I miss watching my Charmander evolve into a Charmeleon I dont accept your Leaf Green, theyll always be Red and Blue to me Yesterday I dreamt I was surrounded by Unown The spelled the words Im sorry on behalf of Nintendo We dont get Poffins either, and SuperContests are so-so And the Pokédex was fine, it didnt need a radio I miss the Team Rocket hideout And I miss the music too And why have shinies if theyre so impossible to find Pokémon, what happened to you Pokémon, what happened to you And Ill never again experience that joy of mine Because you are incompatible with my brand new DSi WOOTS! i love that song. but it's actually a pointless song. quite like weird al yankovic. anyways, i've been adding people as my SIBLING, on fb. wtfs. so far, i have ryan, shaun(i know what you're think) and my classmate,. if you want me to add you as a sibling, just tell me(but i doubt so!) anyways. i should post more. i played rugby these days. damn sore. y'know there's this midge in our class that will fall if you just lift up his leg and push him. he's pathetic. but he runs damn fast. so he's pretty good. we would spend the recess at the rugby field playing rugby, and running away when coach jock comes. LINE-UPS ROCK! yes... hmmmm what else.... CHECK OUT NERIMON ON YOUTUBE!!!! it's awesome. XDXD yeah i think i'll end here. goodbye, adios, bye, au revoir, 再见!! FUCK OFF.
This Maniac killed on 4:58 AM # |
hi. posting here. :) school was boring today. this is gonna be a short post. ahhh my keyboard is screwing up. the connection is DIEDED. anyways. yeah, since today was boring, i shall not post anything 'bout it. oh yes. EMIL GOT HIT BY A GOAL POST TODAY. on his head. NOTTT. his foot. he had to go to the matron, then he left. SHIT i'm his buddy. anyways, i've decided to play MOUSEHUNT!!!! lols. yuppppp. so far, caught two white mice, a grey mouse, a brown mouse, and a dwarf mouse. lols. oh i've been reading people's blogs during like, what last october? it's freakily entertaining. XD okay enough said. adios.
This Maniac killed on 3:57 AM # |
i shall not post today, cos today was boring. instead i shall direct your attention to trivial things. :) okay, let us rant: seaweed with rice tastes like water up your nose. the deathly hallows in hp is the wizard equivalent of the holy grail. "tagger" is deprived of a life Nelly Furtado is hot. the so called "revelations" in the lost symbol are what i've been suspecting all along Murdoc Niccals is AWESOMMME. i always though David Guetta was black. Gorillaz rocks. people need to post more. russell is never gonna win any survivor. all the characters in dan brown novels are the same. (a good-looking woman with a relative dead(sophie neveu, vittoria, etc. a good guy that is a bad guy in the end teabing, camerlengo ventresca.) you get what i mean? Jeff Dunham rocks! (especially jose jalapeno) okay i should stop. never mind. adios. XDXD
This Maniac killed on 4:11 AM # |
hi. random note: Bob Sinclar - Love Generation has the weirdest music video ever. speaking of music videos. stylo-gorillaz's music video is just plain creepy. and the morning after dark-timbaland music video rocks. XDXD SoShy looks kinda creepy in it, though. anyways, went to bukit merah library today. yeha. i wont post so much. busy,. XDXD nothing much today./ adios.
This Maniac killed on 4:27 AM # |
hello. ive been wanting to post for a long time. but too lazy too. yay. procrastination ftw! i forgot half the things that happened. lemme see.... napfa... errrr. brainfreeze! shit i really forgot. XDXD oh yeah.. our class's CDF:TVA craze. its cirque du freak, by the way. ahhh crap. i forgot alot. nvm, then. my 2.4! lols. i was... good? i dunno... i got 12.28 min. YAY! woots. but i think thats a B. didnt bother check. i didnt check a LOT of things. yeah. XDXD i was like, only a bit slower than emil. like 5 second difference. yeah. next... oh yes. this one. during pastoral care.. our teacher showed us cirque du freak. something about friends' influence on you. then after that we started going around "exchanging blood" and spitting on our hands and saying we've SUPER SPIT! etcetc. its quite dumb, actually. LOLS. yeah. errrrr. errrrr. nothing. XDXD compared to shaun, my napfa was actually quite pro. yay. right, adios. nothing else.
This Maniac killed on 4:45 AM # |
hi!!!!! im HYPER today. lols dunno why. today was SLACCCCKKKK. lotta teachers not here. we had 1.5 hours of free period! HELL YEAH we were planning our inter-class soccer tournament formation. LOLZORS. we went with 4-4-2. I'M LEFT FULLBACK! YAY! the ruggers are centre-backs. so our defense is pretty strong. yay again. we had "training" after school. no lar. we just took turns to do free kicks and penalties. and i scored!! a lot! yay. yeah... theres actually nothing, didnt want to post today,. but i did. hahaha. okay i shall stop now. #$%^&*
This Maniac killed on 5:20 AM # |
heys. watched cott today. yay. it rocked. though some parts were just plain funny. such as: medusa looks like jamie with snakes for hair. I'M SERIOUS. XDXDD the resemblance was like, scary. and another one: hades has a son, the kraken, which is larger than him. WTFS?!?! sides, how did he get it? budding? binary fission? god. right. enough "logic" on my side. but it was a good movie why do artists have to say their name before a song? wtfs. okay, imagine this; *instrumental* ANDREW ZHAO. $%^&LABEL. wtfs? why the frick do they do this? weirrrd and yes, i'm talking jason derulo. speaking of songs. isnt it weird that when people sing, you dont hear their accents anymore? weird. well, except for some british like lily allen, or daisy dares you. but yeah. lolzors. and YES I MADE THAT UPP. so dont copy me. yup. nothing much else. *pop*
This Maniac killed on 4:21 AM # |
heys. this will be another short post. not guaranteed though. today was... okayokay. i guess revelation feels better. not so sure/ anyways. gonna watch clash of the titans tmrw with me classmates!! yays. tmrw will rock. yup. nothing else. short post, innit. adios, ciao, bye.
This Maniac killed on 4:49 AM # |
hellos. short post, today. today.... it was raining in the morning! so we had assembly in audi 2. assembly was awesome. it took up 1 hour. principal was talking bout the sas/acsi thing so we had no mt. woots. blahs... fastforward. poetryslam. we had to watch. boringggg. btw: i realise you irritate a girl in any point of your life, you die. girls remember the most ABSURD things. yups. y'know, i tried doing a header 3 times so far this year. 2 outta 3 my head hurt like shit after it. sheesh. PHAILZORS. ahhhh i feel like going to mt. knnb. hahaha dunno why. right.... i tried playing mousehunt today. GOD it was dumb. "okay, you joined. you get a PLANK OF WOOD. you may upgrade it with a @#$%^&*(, and you will get !@#$%^&*()." WTFS?!?!?! what kind of fail would play something like that? ARGHS. yeah. dios. not gonna post! (huh this post was long)
This Maniac killed on 4:37 AM # |
hi. lols. check out lights-all out! it rocks. lols. yeah... hey go check out our school's b div rugby team. pretty awesome. search "anglo chinese independent saint andrews. or just click this. http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?p=45044694 y'know, today we had a class meeting. i owned my class chair today. XDXDXD ahhh im so bored. i wonders... when the next class gathering is. june holidays? *shruggs* yeah. im just posting for the hell of it. dios
This Maniac killed on 3:15 AM # |
Never Gonna Be Alone - Nickelback Time, is going by, so much faster than I, And I'm starting to regret not spending all of it with you. Now I'm, wondering why, I've kept this bottled inside, So I'm starting to regret not telling all of this to you. So if I haven't yet, I've gotta let you know... Never gonna be alone! From this moment on, if you ever feel like letting go, I won't let you fall... Never gonna be alone! I'll hold you 'til the hurt is gone. And now, as long as I can, I'm holding on with both hands, 'Cause forever I believe that there's nothing I could need but you, So if I haven't yet, I've gotta let you know... Never gonna be alone! From this moment on, if you ever feel like letting go, I won't let you fall. When all hope is gone, I know that you can carry on. We're gonna see the world out, I'll hold you 'til the hurt is gone. Oh! You've gotta live every single day, Like it's the only one, what if tomorrow never comes? Don't let it slip away, Could be our only one, you know it's only just begun. Every single day, Maybe our only one, what if tomorrow never comes? Tomorrow never comes... Time, is going by, so much faster than I, And I'm starting to regret not telling all of this to you. So if I haven't yet, I've gotta let you know... Never gonna be alone! From this moment on, if you ever feel like letting go, I won't let you fall. When all hope is gone, I know that you can carry on. We're gonna see the world out, I'll hold you 'til the hurt is gone. I'm gonna be there always, I won't be missing one more day, I'm gonna be there always, I won't be missing one more day. *sighs* i'm not the type to write emo crap in my blog, but somehow i'm really missing her now. nuff said. okay, attempting to be less emo. the starstrukk music video is funny, sort of. the chorus of "photo finish" rocks!!!! XDXD right. errrr. i bailed out on the poetryslam thing cos noone could come on that day. today was NCDCC day. hey how come BB is so special? BB gets the message read out by the President, but the others only get it read by the Principal. huh. weird. yeah. nothing really.
This Maniac killed on 3:05 AM # |
hi!!!! had a haircut today. XDXD now i look weird. ah, well, nvm. the concert today was good. okay, only the MB was good. the IBB was, okayokay. anyways after the concert. i saw my conductor and she was like "oh you actually came! okay come, i'll give you something, i promised right???" (and yeah she did XD) so she gave me this bag of chocolate. lols. haven't eaten any yet. apart from that, no other interesting stuff. rofls. ahhh i wish i had a dramatic life. adios.
This Maniac killed on 3:21 AM # |
hi. today was okay. was rather productive. band today. tutorials, then combined. in combined we just did some quiz thing. SLACK!!!!@ had only 30 min to practice. yay exambreak, so no band for a month. dunno whether its a good thing or bad thing. going for another concert tmrw. this time it's the ACS(I) Main Band. awesomme! anyways today there was some OM thing in our school. people from RVHS, SCGS, RGS etc were all in my school. ugghs. tmrw is gonna rock. yeah..... borinnnnng. goodbye.
This Maniac killed on 4:58 AM # |
hello. blogging here. (oh yeah thanks captain obvious!) this week was super slack. yays. went to bukit merah library today. saw people. the entire course there and back took me about 4 hours. finished all the songs in my phone playlist. yea... oh my goddd. so boringgggg. blogging is actually useless cos there's nothing to blog. oh y'know, our school's rugby coach, coach jock, is legendary in our school, he's like, super fat, and really freaky. i'm serious. he issues demerit points for EVERYTHING. and i mean everything. you're late for rugging, BAM demerit point (btw rugging is rugby training) so yea. i'm attempting to find things to post. but alas, nothing. bye.
This Maniac killed on 4:41 AM # |
hi. lalala. today was SUPER boring. arghs. short post today! now doing some elit stuff. our school requires you to use the comp for fucking everything! oh my god. not complaining though. today seriously was boring. oh yes. NAPFA!!!! MUAHAHAHA. stations. i was average, actually. "nuff said. the only one that i was reasonably good at, well actually two, was standing broad jump and shuttle run. woots. y'know, i can't wait till sec 4 then i can get long pants.(yes we get em at sec3) today was actually pretty slack. lets see. pe, recess, phy sci prac(i hate it), music(superrrr slack), geog(relief teacher), maths(free period, teacher not there) and then computer studies(uber uber slack). so yeah. yay. today rocks. week a is better than week b. you should see week b weds. 1 hour of maths, then 1 hour of mothertongue. break. idunnosomeshittyperiod. etcetc. a quote: "Resist the path of least resistance." huh. yeesh. not much left. adios.
This Maniac killed on 3:02 AM # |
hey i realise that when someone gets to secondary school they start knowing about peter chao, and mousehunt. i'm dead serious. it's true for EVERYONE. anyways..... supposed to be doing a book review thing. but i AM doing it, not slacking. i'm doing it on the giver. anyways mousehunt SUCKS. and yes, it's true. "oh, i sounded the hunter's horn! oh wow i caught a dojo sensei mouse! yay!!!" like, wtf?!?!?! yeah. let's see, what else. oh yes. there was a gecko in our classroom today. then i took it with a newspaper and threw it at my friend. he threw back. then this random kid (called nicholas) went like "BAM!" and stepped on it. urks. we could see all the blood and gore. it was disgusting. we took a mop and cleaned it away. and i dropkicked nicholas. oh yes, band. band was REALLY SLACK. our conductor wasnt there. so we went for sectionals. but our seniors didnt really do anything. yay. then drills. practiced the bloody 90 degree lift thing. WTFS. it was damn hard. we did that for half a hour!! oh my gods. yeah. went home after that. nothing else. goodbye. (in case you havent realised.... this post is in a different format.
This Maniac killed on 4:18 AM # |
heelo. the davinci code OST rocks!!!! holy craps. lols. ahhhh, i hate schooool. today our elit teacher forced me to join this poetrySLAM competition so i had to. stayed back. and did the thing, with 2 other people from my class that got dragged into it too. it wasn't that bad. errrrr. i think the star wars 3 novel by matthew stover is really good. its AWESOMMMMME. dont call me a nerd, cuz it is. downloading songs. trying to think of more songs to download, since im normally too lazy to. errrrrr. Paramore-check. OMG-check Chevalier De Sangreal-check. gonna download "god particle" yay. god particle and chevalier de sangreal sound like they're the same. y'know i think the fort minor instrumentals are way better than the songs. like believe me and remember the name. not really into rap. yeah. paramore rocks!!!! XDXDXD i love saying "losersaywhat" now. hahas. is (500) days of summer good? want to watch it. huh. ill see. bye,.
This Maniac killed on 4:03 AM # |
hi. just got back from the SSO concert. damn the fourth movement of "from the new world" rocks! but i realised the strings get most of the action in a orchestra. ughs. brass owns! yeah man, kickass!!!! i wont say too much in case i bore you. in the intervals, we were like checking the results of the Man-U/Chelsea match. first half, chelsea scored!woots. second hlf, man u scored but chelsea scored again! double woots! "MANCHESTER, England - Chelsea took a massive stride towards the Premier League title when they beat Manchester United 2-1 at Old Trafford on Saturday and replace them at the top of the table. Goals from Joe Cole after 20 minutes and a suspiciously offside one from substitute Didier Drogba in the 79th, put Chelsea 2-0 ahead before United substitute Federico Macheda scored for United two minutes later. The victory lifted Chelsea on to 74 points, two ahead of United with both teams having five matches to play. Chelsea had the best of the opening half but United, without injured striker Wayne Rooney, had the better of the second in a largely tense game with few scoring chances for either side." MUAHAHA. chelsea owns. but back to the concert. your not supposed to clap in between movements right.... this retard did exactly that. then everyone in our level clapped. i was like, WTF ARE YOU DOING? DUDE!! yeah... nothing much. short post for a long day.
This Maniac killed on 7:56 AM # |
stupid throat is itching like crazy. so. soccer today. we "migrated" to three different places. first, went to the basketball court at kiran's/ but was chased out. then went to bkt. purmei. but i didnt play there. instead me shaun jac and others went up mt. knnb. the place completely changed. the plants at the entrance there is now gone. walking is now hell easier. and the little(big) grass patch is now full of grass. woots. it rocks. we attempted to find ethel's discarded new moon there. but we didnt. XD stayed there for about 10 minutes. went back. then we left bkt. purmei,. went to telok blangah crescent. played soccer there. there were like these malays there. they were the epitome of gangsterr. and we played with them. not gonna be racist, but. the malays were irritating the shit outta us. arghs. we were really annoyed. but continued playing. it was liverpool vs singapore saf all over again. except saf was winning. O.o then i went home. watched s:hvv. it was EPIC/ rob got RAPED! he was voted out. KICKASS, YEA! the villains are gonna die though/ ah, who gives a. the merge tribe is coming. yea. nothing much actually. band tmrw. yay. adios.
This Maniac killed on 4:47 AM # |
argh. computer hanging. HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!!!! :D yesh.... dont feel like posting. but i still am. yay. *sighs* y'know, i have this killer cough since last thurs. ARGHSSSS. i love the starstrukk music video. lols. i realise i post something every five minutes. hahaha. thats why its so inconsistent. errrr, nothing much actually. school SUCKSSSS. going to esplanade on sat for some SSO concert!!!] yay. wait i think i already told you. ah, who cares. think we have some bike gathering tmrw at wcp. not too sure. gonna check on jac later again. hmmmmmm. bloody hell. the thing isnt autosaving. arghs. oh, i realised that the bionicle toyline ended. aww man. 9 years. finally boomz. hoedown throwdown is a dumb song. *shudders* lols. dr. octagonapus!!!!! asdf movies re really funny. IT'S FLUBBER!!! its gay. yeah.... enough ranting. byes.
This Maniac killed on 4:23 AM # |
hello. friday! yay. band tmrw. lets see..... today was super slack. we had free period for chinese. so i started listening to music. j.b, specifically. and singing it. XD. advice: don't sing his songs in a quiet classroom. trust me on it. youll end up sounding like him, a fag, in other words. i have personal experience. either way. i was watching s:hvv just now. DAMN it rocks. oh my god russell is really pro. yeah. errrr shit i wanted to post something, forrgot. arghhhh. justin bieber is okay, i guess..... once you pretend its a girl singing. yeah. nothing else left. yay. XD. P.S. Photofinish - 3oh!3 pwns! P.P.S. i remembered what i wanted to say. i did a awesome bicycle kick today. but i missed the ball. but it was awesome!!
This Maniac killed on 4:36 AM # |
hi. thoroughly freaked out. theres this haunted place in my school. its all burnt and whatnot. there're two stories. one is: these people started doing some black magic and summoned some spirits. then the principal or something found out. he burnt the whole room. and yeha. they say the spirits are still there. but i think thats bullshit. the other story: during a home econs lessons, these kids accidentally started a fire. burnt the whole room. then they died. and their ghosts or something is still there. but nevertheless. the whole classroom is chained off. soo...... yays. errrrr other than that today was uneventful. lols. but that counts as quite a event eh? yeshhhhh... nothing much. ending here. XD
This Maniac killed on 3:01 AM # |
hello. posted again today. and no jamie, justin bieber doesnt rock. yeha. errrrr. today much today. and yesterday. i realised that my annoying elit teacher, mdm sharmi her name backwards is imrahs. it sounds like i'm a ass. XD. fitting. y'know, im starting to like katy perry ALOT. lols. dunno why. yeah. nothing else much has been happening. oh we owe our recruit I.C.s 2 hours of drills. hahahaha dunno why. but we already paid about 15 min. the rest is gonna be paid on sat. yay! love drills. yeah..... nothing much already. im going to the esplanade next week for some SSO concert!!! rofls. yeha. goodbye
This Maniac killed on 3:16 AM # |
hey. sups. argh school sucks, as always. y'know, i just realised that justin bieber's like this drug. the more i listen to him. the more i like him. ugh. im getting bieberistic. ohhh noooooo. argh. anyways supposed to be doing research for a debate. should uniforms be banned? yeah. oh god. i am doing it though. yeah. im using a laptop. don't like it. nothing much. goodbye.
This Maniac killed on 2:35 AM # |
hi. short post today. nooooo school tmrw. i hate it. stupido. i didn't do much today. finished up my homwork. errr, yeah. i love 3oh!3!!!!! yay. yeah. goodbye, nothing else to report.
This Maniac killed on 4:27 AM # |
hellos band today! combined sucked. again. but we could bring home our instrument! yay. so i did. xD the case is damn large. so a bit annoying, hey btw is today easter? huh. weird. yeah. today i was just practicing my eupho. nothing much. errrrr, yesh,. there ain't much else. ahhhhh. i hate school. noooo.
This Maniac killed on 3:42 AM # |
hello. im doing my chinese homework now. it sucks. today was VERY uneventful. i've been reading the draft of midnight sun on the internet. http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/pdf/midnightsun_partial_draft4.pdf i think this gun symbol is really cool. ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤─── isn't it? and shaun copied me on it. im doing this chinese book review. on journey to the west/ blahhhh. it's super boring. yay i love "we'll be a dream - we the kings ft.demi lovato! okay that was random. but i don't really like disney singers. yup. just realised there's no s:hvv today. NOOOOO. yesh. yay band tmrw. i'm starting to like it more ESPECIALLY DRILLS. YAY. DRILLS FTW! okay i'm VERY random. goodbye. tonight's gonna be uneventful. so im posting now.
This Maniac killed on 3:01 AM # |
yos. im a bit hyper now. dunno why. lalalalala. went to vivocity today with shaun, jac, jeff and llewellyn and kiran. some gathering. jeff's a fail. yesh. shaun jac kiran and i watched up in the air. yays. jeff and monkey went to tiong bahru plaza to watch how to train your dragon. don't ask me why. yup. up in the air was good. except for the fact that i needed to go to the toilet (not shit) halfway into the movie. yesh. but i didn't. XD. i thought that natalie (in the movie) looked familiar. but i couldn't place who she was. now i know. SHE WAS FUCKING JESSICA IN TWILIGHT. AHHHH. and i thought she was a bit hot. okay sod it. after the movie i half ran half walked to the toilet. then we ate at long john silvers. went home after that. damn i think ewan macgregor is super cool. i rally want to watch the ghost rider when it comes out. saw the trailer today. IT'S SO COOOL. speaking the trailers. the eclipse trailer is out,. argh. they look like twats. yup. nothing else much. gooddios.
This Maniac killed on 5:02 AM # |
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror, my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason, whenever I hear these lyrics, it reminds me of 300. I'm serious, Angels and Demons, no. Da Vinci Code, no. 300! Me gods. The post starts now Yup. Okay, this entry is gonna be like a friking journal entry. And believe me, one of my friends do blog like this, only more extreme. Let's see, I had the last day of the band camp today. We always have Combined. It's irritating. Then, we had Drills. I find that Drills are more fun than Combined. Merrill (The Recruit I.C) took one group and Eugene (The Drums MAJOR!!!!) took a group each. And I just HAD to be in Eugene's. AHHHHH. But yeah, we were better than the other group. Oh, I could never figure the difference between the marching command and the march on the spot one, until today. Cos the marching one has this phrase that's like,"Chupa Chup!" And that's how I remember. After that, we had lunch. Then we could leave. Yay! Yeah, nothing much. I'm going to tomorrow's gathering, even though many aren't. Tough luck. Yes, here it is. Going to be posting tomorrow too. Goodbye. P.S(btw this is a random post) Today, our Recruit I.C.s were testing us on the names of people who play a certain instrument. So he asked this guy"What's a person who plays a Euphonium?" (my instrument, coincidentally) "A Euphoneer?" "Wth, then a French Horn player is a Horner? And Trombone player is a Boner?" Okay, if you don't get it, you're probably too innocent. XD P.P.S. I still don't know what's a person who plays a Euphonium. I think it's euphonist. or euphist or some shit like that.
This Maniac killed on 12:57 AM # |
had band camp once AGAIN today. arghs today SUCKED. the schedule was like, all work. fall in combined. theory. fall in. lunch. COMBINED(AHHHH COMBINED SUCKS!) drills. fall out. urk. no frigging break. yup. at least tomorrow it ends at 1. YAY. oh, btw what the slag are moneyplants. i was waiting for my mother to pick me up. my recruit I.C. called merrill, said "trample not on the moneyplants." i was like, "what's that?" "just keep that in mind" it's like, so enigmatic. errr yesh. nothing much else. whee.
This Maniac killed on 4:21 AM # |
heylo. had band camp again today. yay. first, fall in. combined. break. sectionals/tutorials. fall in. lunch. drills. games. the freaky part was we had to do drills with the MB. they all rocked, and we sucked. lols. yup. y'know, just realised the nan hua band doesnt need to do drills. wtfs. whee, i love 300. the movie, i mean. and inglourious basterds. yeah. oh yes, during the games part of our camp. there was "reward" thing. we could get a member of our group to drink a concotion we would make with: soup, tomato sauce, mints, chili sauce and soy sauce. so we added tomato, mints, chili and soy sauce,. it smelled disgusting. then the guy said,"okay now ALL of you have to drink it." i was like, OMFG, we're dead. yup. BELIEVE ME, i did drink it. it was mainly salty, but still tasted shitty. yeesh. so, yeah. nothing else. XD P.S. in case it wasn't enough obvious, i changed the skin. P.P.S. okay not me, rachel. XD thanks! (i doubt you'll actually see this) P.P.P.S. i can't believe i got a cut on my finger playing the eupho. P.P.P.P.S. okay noone cares.
This Maniac killed on 4:29 AM # |
hello. didnt post yesterday. yay. had band camp yesterday. it was really freaky. it was like this: fall in combined. break. tutorials. fall in. lunch. theory.(but we spent the time watching some movie) drills. fall out. yup. today, went to sentosa with 3 people: ethel shaun and hui lun. don't ask me why, me and shaun were both puzzled. but methinks hui lun likes shaun. yeah. we went to ze luge. i was first, both times. oh, the skyride freaked the shit out of shaun. and me, a bit. didnt do nothing much after that. went back to vivocity. and i left. whees. yeha. ciao. P.S. argh band camp for the next 3 days.
This Maniac killed on 5:57 AM # |
heylos. just posted to give my sciences mark. bio: 19.5/30. O.o physics: 26/30 total irony. the subject im not good at, only lost 4 marks,. the subject that im good in, dies. DAMMNNNN. err yup. nothing much liao .hahahahah.
This Maniac killed on 1:53 AM # |
hello. kirans brithday today. went to bukit purmei. first saw shaun. then saw ethel. then saw vineeth then saw timothy. then saw sher mein. etc etc. but ethel and shermein were watching some movie. so that didnt count. yeahhhh. played soccer. than ate some pizza. uhhhhhh. yup. joel HO and alex were being dumbasses. they ate this packet of chili pepper. then alex was running around asking for ice. -.- hahaha. yeha. nothing else. cos kiran's birthday wasn't that eventful.
This Maniac killed on 5:16 AM # |
hello. we've been having class tests, and getting back our results. i got 36/40 for maths. curse it. 14/25 for lit. still, it's a useless subject. yup. got those 2 so far. lets see, what else.... oh yes. our class meeting gave us alot of pointless rules. such as no swearing etc. yup. i've become a uber fan of muse. hahaha. kiran's birthday tmrw. going to his house to celebrate. yup. nothing much liao posting just for the hell of posting.
This Maniac killed on 3:43 AM # |
heys. i put a counter. to see how many people see this. yesterday played soccer. lols. okay not funny. err, i could tackle ashruff. yay, finally. okay passing over that. nothing else. oh yeah i can finally play a good F on my eupho. errr, yeah. stephanie meyer sucks!!!! yay i just said that. i realise i dissed a lot of people. justin bieber, stephanie meyer. yeah. err nothing else. uneventful. adios.
This Maniac killed on 11:06 PM # |
heys. lols didn't post a long time. we've been having class tests. damn chinese sucked. the rest was super easy. geo, history and p.science to go. justin bieber is a frigging pussy. and i'm serious. okay sod that. he's okay. but one day his balls will drop and he'll finally pubertise. but until then.... yeah. emil's be publicising how he likes lysha. chinese compo he wrote about lysha. uh huh. etc etc./ nothig much to write. goodbye. well at least i posted.
This Maniac killed on 3:45 AM # |
heys. gathering today. took bus to rmps. went there saw ryan. the usual "hey" then yeah. hung around. saw people. lalalala. saw jamie from the opposite. only i didn't know it was her at the beginning. she looked like a mutant. i'm serious. *fastfoward* jia qi RANDOMLY walked up to me "wah! euphonium sucks!!" the usual immature stuff. oh btw i'm missing out a lot. nevertheless..... then mrs steup came out. wearing the usual "oregon waffle" shirt. yup. after that, didnt stay for long anymore. went on 131. not something really weird happened. su lynn messaged me. "how do you get basck from rmps?" "err take 131 then 30 or 143." "is 855 okay?" "i guess...." then at the vivocity busstop, i saw her. O.o then we both took 30 back. and even though we were what, 2 feets apart she fricken messaged me. like, wtf. yups. went back home. watched survivor: heroes vs villains. it rocks. the first challenge, one girl dislocated a shoulder, the other broke a toe.] O.o yeha. i'm supporting villains. yay. yeha. oh, we have a holiday on wed too! in your face! yeha. ciao.
This Maniac killed on 3:39 AM # |
short post. i got euphonium for band. LOLS. yup. ended. toldya it was short XD byes. (i'll probably post again next sat, hopefully)
This Maniac killed on 5:24 AM # |
my blog is dying. yays!!!! yeah, too busy to update. okay, no, simply not bothering to. at least it's better than hui lun's. 2 MONTHS of not posting. i think, either way it's really scary. people from my class are adding people from 6A2!! dies. yeah. i went for CIP to some hospital/nursing home. i got the slackest job. yay! i was just needed to take photos and make them into a poster. XD LOLS i just changed my relationship status to "it's complicated" yeah. we have shitloads of homework. really sad. i'm listening to 987. NO!!! FYE-Adam Lamber just dropped. yeah. nothing, really. apart from the stuff above. lols. au revoir.
This Maniac killed on 5:42 AM # |
heys. didn't post for long. errr, yeah. our lessons are so damn boring. except for L.Science. XD it pwns. yup. i already realised 1.7 has the potential to be the next 6A2. that's bad, right. i've spotted a me, shaun, and alex(the stupid hair). oh, i just realised billie joe armstrong(lead singer of green day) looks like adam lambert. O.o yeah. nothing else. au revoir.
This Maniac killed on 3:26 AM # |
i didn't post for the entire week. didn't intend to. XD. well, i'm done with my project. yay! surprisingly small homework load this week. yay. been doing some random band stuff this week. AND, today i had to go to school for instrument tryouts. O.o yeah. and somehow, i now love maroon 5 songs. lol. yay my phone is back from repairs tmrw. XDXDXDXDXDXD i just heard of this "feb.13th go back to rmps" thing. wtfs. thats so damn random. AND before valentines day, like, W.T.F???? so i'm not going. i've been doing some relinking. yeah. errrr, nothing else.
This Maniac killed on 3:34 AM # |
didn't post for a whole week. so this will be long, sorta. hmmm lets see. Tuesday: tuesday was stupid. met our CT and PCTs. class teacher and pastoral care teachers btw. oh, and our PSLs, who are like the awesomest people ever. lemme see, there was this guy called kelvin low, which reminded me of kelvin lim.(lols, jac?) but he's really awesome. okay, i realise i sound gay. oh, and our chapel was damn long, i practically fell asleep. cos we just listened to the principal talk. Wednesday: did rotational activities: errrrrrr, t-shirt painting and beach a.k.a bitch cleaning. we weren't cleaning dogs though. wednesday sucked. Thursday: yays! we had abseiling and our sports bazaar. abseiling was cooooooool. i went twice. shaun can't go, man. his acrophobia will kill him, figuratively. sports bazaar was basically seeing what sports we could do for cca. i was shortlisted for softball, hockey, wushu and badminton. and in the end i was only accepted into wushu. lololol. we also havta join a uniformed group though. i'm gonna join the symphonic band. it's a uniformed group. weird eh? Today: nothing today. just sat in the chapel and auditorium and listened to the year director talk. yeah. XD i've started tweeting btw! lols. www.twitter.com/zhaoadw. yay nothing else already. XD 'dios.
This Maniac killed on 3:55 AM # |
yay yoes. i don't need to go to school tmrw!!!!!!i only need to start coming at tues. so in yo faces!!!! i went to timothy's house today. played guitar and DJ hero. MUAHAHAHA. i'm better at DJ hero than guitar hero, even though i played guitar hero more than DJ. and timothy was like, just pure pwnage. that was pure awesome. and my favorite mashup. yeah. went back and watched spiderman3. realised tobey macguire has a reall girlie voice. lols. nothing else. adios.
This Maniac killed on 5:33 AM # |
i forgot to post yesterday. here's the top 100 songs for 2009! 100. Jai Ho (You Are My Destiny) - A.R. Rahman ft Pussycat Dolls
98. Secret Valentine - We The Kings 97. I Love College - Asher Roth 96. Paranoid - Jonas Brothers 95. Sweet Dreams - Beyonce 94. Next Plane Home - Daniel Powter 93. Keeps Getting Better - Christina Aguilera 92. Sober - P!nk 91. Get Back - Demi Lovato 90. She Wolf - Shakira 89. Be The One - The Ting Tings 88. Bulletproof - La Roux 87. Hotel Room Service - Pitbull 86. Fallin' For You - Colbie Cailat 85. Knock You Down - Keri Hilson ft Kany West & Ne-Yo 84. A Little Too Not Over You - David Archuleta 83. Please Don't Leave Me - P!nk 82. Love Lockdown - Kany West 81. If Today Was Your Last Day - Nickelback 80. Here We Go Again - Demi Lovato 79. I Hate This Part - Pussycat Dolls 78. Change - Daniel Merriweahther ft Wale 77. Remedy - Little Boots 76. Day N Nite - Kid Cudi 75. Know Your Enemy - Green Day 74. Straight Through My Heart - Backstreet Boys 73. The Fear - Lily Allen 72. Obsessed - Mariah Carey 71. If I Were A Boy - Beyonce 70. I Do Not Hook Up - Kelly Clarkson 69. Breakeven - The Script 68. You're Not Sorry - Taylor Swift 67. Broken Strings - James Morrison ft Nelly Furtado 66. Dead and Gone - T.I. ft Justin Timberlake 65. Decode - Paramore 64. Get On Your Boots - U2 63. How Do You Sleep - Jesse McCartney ft Ludacris 62. Stuck With Each Other - Shontelle ft Akon 61. Halo - Beyonce 60. Celebration - Madonna 59. No Boundaries - Kris Allen 58. No Surprise - Daughtry 57. Blame It (On The Alcohol) - Jamie Foxx ft T-Pain 56. Heartless - Kanye West 55. So Close So Far - Hoobostank 54. Touch My Hand - David Archuleta 53. Sexy Chick - David Guetta ft Akon 52. Run This Town - Jay-Z ft Kanye West & Rihanna 51. 21 Guns - Green Day 50. Lovegame - Lady GaGa 49. Ego - Beyonce ft Kanye West 48. Miss Independent - Ne-Yo 47. If You See Amy - Britney Spears 46. Mama Do (Uh Oh Uh Oh) - Pixie Lott 45. Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson 44. I Don't Care - Fall Out Boy 43. Love Sex Magic - Ciara ft Justin Timberlake 42. New Perspective - Panic! at the Disco 41. White Horse - Taylor Swift 40. Don't Trust Me - 3OH!3 39. Love Bug – Jonas Brothers 38. Hoedown Throwdown – Miley Cyrus 37. T-Shirt – Shontelle 36. Sugar – Flo Rida ft Wynter 35. 1 2 3 4 (I Love You) – Plain White T’s 34. Nobody – Wonder Girls 33. I Know You Want Me – Pitbull 32. Circus – Britney Spears 31. Whatever You Like – T.I. 30. Waking Up In Vegas – Katy Perry 29. Battlefield – Jordin Sparks 28. The Climb – Miley Cyrus 27. Gives You Hell – the All American Rejects 26. Evacuate the Dancefloor – Cascada 25. Kiss Me Thru The Phone - Souljia Boy Tell ‘Em ft Sammie 24. Thinking of You – Katy Perry 23. Paparazzi – Lady GaGa 22. So What – P!nk 21. Use Somebody – Kings of Leon 20. Good Girls Go Bad – Cobra Starship 19. Down – Jay Sean ft Lil Wayne 18. One Time – Justin Bieber 17. Live Your Life – T.I. ft Rihanna 16. New Divide – Linkin Park 15. Womanizer – Britney Spears 14. Make It Mine – Jason Mraz 13. Boom Boom Pow – Black Eyed Peas 12. Hot n Cold – Katy Perry 11. My Life Would Suck Without You – Kelly Clarkson 10. Love Drunk – Boys Like Girls 09. Just Dance – Lady GaGa ft Colby O’Donis 08. Love Story – Taylor Swift 07. Right Round – Flo Rida 06. Party In The USA – Miley Cyrus 05. Fireflies – Owl City 04. Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) – Beyonce 03. You Belong With Me – Taylor Swift 02. Poker Face – Lady GaGa 01. I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas i hate i gotta feeling. it sucks. yay fireflies is 5th!!! errr, yeah. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!! :D i found out that i'm in the same class as emil in ACSI. oh, and yong jee appealed into ACSI. imagine. if he could get in, anyone could. lol i suppose i'm very evil to yong jee. yay i don't need to go to school on monday! some random holiday for only ACSI. lol. shewolf is such a gay song. it reminds me of twilight.
hey btw, how many people DO read my blog? i'm surprised by the people who do read it.
nothing else. adios. XDXDXDXD