![]() youll now notice that its my fbdp. woots eupho ftw. oh just realised that that eupho has four vertical valves. lol mine has 3 vertical valves and one diagonal valve. errrrr. yes. i've been doing my music project. bloody hell. carnatic indian music. bloody hell. eupho ftw. again. err. right nothing else really. xx
This Maniac killed on 1:59 AM # |
woots eddie izzard rocks. okay that was random. but he rocks. cross dresser, btw. errrr. so, yes. okay right.; ive been doing very freaky headers in soccer this week in soccer. but i rock, lol. naw my predictions all suck. i keep jumping, so it hits like my forehead AND the top part of my eye. yea. thats another video. he's seriously funny. right, bye. xx
This Maniac killed on 6:50 AM # |
lol interesting day today. watched eclipse. it was entertaining, not the movie though. fangirls FTJ! try figuring that out. when jacob appeared, bam. cue: screaming fangirls. jacob appears half naked for the first time cue: screaming fangirls. jacob kisses bella cue: screaming fangirls. EDWARD kisses bella cue: hissing fangirls. poor eddy, noone likes him. so. oh yes, i JUST realised that doc. vamp(aka carlisle) has a slight british accent. woots yup. eclipse. it was really long, i was like, shit whens it gonna end. so. nothing else. just posting cos of eclipse, really.
This Maniac killed on 3:46 AM # |
heys posting. im gonna post seldomly from now on. i haates germany! they screwed up two of the teams i support for the sawc. uhhh right. nothing to post, really. lo,l. this blog is gonna be dead soon. right. why do girls tend to support germany? ive asked alot of girls, and they were all like, OH I SUPPORT GERMANY. ....... huh. i actually wanted to watch eclipse with my classmate, just to make fun of it, this weekend. but as it turned out, we both have ccas. so.... okay im not gonna post. xx
This Maniac killed on 4:49 AM # |
so, i've officially just moved out again. i dont like my new house! yeah. errrr. yesterday, had band. combined rocked cos i didnt need to play, instead i was with my tutor trying to learning the alvamar overture. yup. i love the page one at vivocity. the atmostphere there is great. the air con, the stupid spanish music, it all rocks.\ right. i cannot believe argentina lost to germany 0-4! O.o i thought they were like, surely gonna win. fuck. life sucks uhhh. right nth else. bye. xx
This Maniac killed on 9:28 PM # |
i hate files! okay, right. errr. its been a hectic week. lots of homework. lots of teachers asking for files. yup. oh btw i've a cold. :( err. right. youth day today, huh. bloody hell. why is there still lessons, then? so, eclipse is out. by the speed they're churning out movies, tells you bout the quality. yup, shit. errr. i'm moving tmrw. AGAIN. damn it. btw my post before was not long! its not that bad, what. anyways where can i watch the world cup online? nowhere, it seems. errr, right here thou endst. bye. xx