Uneventful day.
Went to Vivocity. Nothing much.
Err, bought new school shoes cos my old ones were totally destroyed playing soccer.
Tomorrow, Mrs Steup's coming back! Yay.
No more shitarse relief teachers.
Nothing much. Adios.
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This is a rant of Twilight. Sorry, can't resist. Feel free to ignore this.
Twilight is retarded. Bella is superficial, very. In the four books, never has it said that Bella likes Edward cos of his personality. Only cos he has an angelic face etc. And, vampires can't die right? What happens if the world explodiated. Would the vampires just be floating in space. So yeah. Twilight is just for those people who are trying to delude themselves (no offense), so to those who enjoy reading the Twilight series, here's a word to you: "Get a life."